On Tuesdays, 10-11am, our friendly trained peer supporters are ready and waiting to meet you at Cotteridge Friends Meeting House. They can offer support with infant feeding, listen to your experiences and connect you with other families at the group. You do need to book a space, but don’t worry – booking is open right up until the groups has ended so if you remember at 10am, you can book and arrive at 10.30! Here is the booking link:
We also have an antenatal course, and other pop up events happening there so do follow us on EventBrite to get notifications of upcoming sessions.
“I was really impressed with this group. Well organised and welcoming, just what mums/parents of newborns need”
– Group attendee, April 2021
Once you have booked on, you’ll receive a confirmation email, then a reminder 2 days before, and then one on the morning of group naming your volunteers and small changes/details you need to know.
How to find the group
The Cotteridge meeting house is at 23a Watford Road, opposite Savers. It’s set back a bit from the road, and you need to drive over the pavement and through the gates to get in. There is a large car park, and Kings Norton train station is a short walk away. There are many bus routes too.

There is a main door, and a side door to the right of the building as you look at it. You will go in through the main door on a Tuesday and you’ll see all the group attendees! On a Saturday, we will be through the side door. Once you’re in, we have hand sanitiser available for you.

There is an accessible toilet and baby changing station. For now, we ask that you take nappies home with you (we have nappy bags to use). You are welcome to change your baby wherever you feel comfortable.

Here’s what group looks like – we are spaced out but you are welcome to have your supporter sit with you. You can choose which chairs would be most comfortable for you. There are soft, wipeable mats for you to put your baby down if you would like to.

This is the other side of the room, which is a handy space for parking pushchairs etc. There are some covered over resources that belong to the food bank who also use the space.

Don’t worry if you arrive after the group start time, or you need to leave before the end. You don’t need to be from any particular area, or have given birth under a specific hospital. Everyone is welcome! Got more questions? Let us know – infantfeeding@newbabynetwork.co.uk