All of our sessions run thanks to dedicated volunteers, who are part of the local community and have committed to training and running regular groups. They run our parents choir, signing group, sling meet, postnatal baby clubs, online fourth trimester course and antenatal planning sessions. We also love volunteers who are happy to help with making tea/coffee for families, writing guest blogs/social media posts or admin/event support.


We welcome applications from ALL members of the community with experience of being parents, regardless of age, race, disability, gender, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.


If you would like to get involved with volunteering with us please get in touch at


Infant Feeding Support

Our peer supporters for infant feeding undertake in depth training, over a course of months. Their training is designed by a qualified teacher and IBCLC, and delivered by experienced peer support trainers.  All peer supporters receive ongoing co-ordination, supervision and update training. All activities undertaken by the CIC and its directors/partners are fully compliant with The International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and we work with an understanding of the Unicef Baby Friendly Initiative.


If you have already completed peer supporter training elsewhere and would like to volunteer with us, please do send an email as we may be able to offer a different training package.



Infant Feeding Peer Support Training

Our next round of peer support training will begin in the new year.




Our Infant Feeding Peer Support Course aims to give you a grounding in the issues surrounding infant feeding in the UK, a debrief and reflection on your own feeding journey, fundamentals of communication and the basics of positioning and attachment. Ideally you’ll learn as much from other course participants as you do from the set content, so the group has an collaborative, welcoming and respectful ethos.


Your children are always welcome at teaching sessions.



This is a full 10 week course delivered face to face and virtually through an online learning platform. There are five “live” teaching sessions to attend with the other participants. We understand that many of the participants are parents and that their learning will often take place alongside meeting the needs of their families. We aim to make the course as accessible as possible and understand if you need to bring little ones along! At the end of the course, it is expected that you will commit to volunteering with the New Baby Network at support groups (virtual and in person), via webchat and at other celebrations and events.



The course is free, on the understanding that participants will go on to volunteer and support. Applications are particularly welcomed from historically underrepresented parents/families, and those living in Birmingham/Black Country.


Sounds like something you’d love? Get in touch!

